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JH Season 2 State Championship Playoffs
JH season 2 playoffs this week and weekend 12/14 -12/16
HS Spring sports registration ends today
Spring sports registration ends today
JH Season 3 Sports Regular Season Begins
All JH season 3 sports regular season starts today
JH Season 4 Sports Registration Begins
JH season 4 sports registration begins today for the following; boys soccer, girls soccer, coed soccer -spring (no fall coed teams), boys basketball, golf, track and field
HS spring official practice starts
Spring sports can officially begin
HS Boys and Girls basketball season ends
All boys and girls basketball schedule must be completed by this date D1,2 and 3 boys D1 and 2 girls
JH Season 4 Registration Ends
JH season 4 sports registration ends today
Open division basketball season ends
Boys and girls open basketball games and schedules must be completed by this date
JH Tackle Football Regular Season Ends
JH tackle regular season ends today and all games must be completed