Athletes: Stay Active Over Winter Break

During the holiday season it’s quite tempting to lounge around the house, overeat on desserts and hibernate due to the weather. It’s important to not let yourself get suckered into the comforts of your couch and slack off during the winter break. To our CAA student-athletes, here are some tips on staying active during the holidays. 

How to Stay Active During the Winter-Off Season:

Find a balance by focusing on – 

  • Cardio, strength and injury recovery: For starters, try sticking to a consistent schedule of cardiovascular exercise and strength training three to six times a week. For the athletes that like to spread out their exercise — six times a week for 30 minutes per session is recommended otherwise, three times a week for an hour. However, how you partake in cardio and strength depends on the sport you play. Long-distance runners will likely focus on more cardio yet still include strength training during off-season exercise. By following these guidelines it’ll keep your endurance level balanced and be easier to amp up your workouts as your sport season approaches. As for any possible injury recoveries it is crucial you see a physical therapist. Once the injury has been healed you may work on strengthening the injury to prevent any possible damages. 

  • Change up your fitness activity: Try stepping out of your comfort zone and switch up your fitness activity of choice — get more involved in cardio if you’re a swimmer or if you’re lifting weights, train your entire body rather than specific muscles. Trying something new is not only fun, it allows your body to be at its full potential peak. That being said, workouts don’t always have to take place in a gym. 

  • Avoid Procrastination: Holiday season commotion can often cloud an athlete’s mind and then by the time you know it, the first day of practice are amongst us — especially for those who had been putting off conditioning during off-season. If this sounds like you, you better get moving if you still have some time! While it is important to keep up with the conditioning it is also essential athletes do not overwork themselves right before the season starts.

  • Work with a trainer: The most efficient way to remain the level of active your sport requires during off-season would be working one-on-one with a trainer. A trainer will help the athlete fix muscular imbalances, build strength, increase aerobic endurance and prevent any possible injuries by having the athlete follow a program best tailored to their abilities.

Being active during the off-season doesn’t mean you can’t still indulge in all the holiday fun and goodies! It just gives you the perfect opportunity to focus on improving yourself and prepare for the upcoming season. The off-season allows an athlete to take a mental break from the intensity of practice and competitions and enjoy their time off. 

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